Today brings unfortunate news for the thousands who have a pending non premium-processing H1-B case currently.

Released today, USCIS has stated that the data entry process for 2014 H-1B cases selected in the lottery is now underway. As stated by USCIS, all premium processing cases are being managed first and their processing is not expected be completed until April 15.

Previously released by USCIS on March 15, 2014; the 15-day premium processing clock is set to begin on April 15 – this information can be found be referencing AILA Doc. No. 13031549. (

Donald Neufield, associate Director of the Service Center Operations (SCOPS) Directorate, publicly addressed to an audience at the AILA Spring CLE conference on April 12, 2013 that data entry for all non-premium cases would not begin until after the completion of data entry for all premium processing cases.
What does this mean for the thousands of individuals who have a non premium-processing case? It means that data entry for all non premium-processing cases will not be completed until sometime in May (as determined by USCIS). It should be noted that historically (as in 2008), non premium-processing cases were not completed until even late May.

It is also important for all those with a pending non premium-processing to be aware that a case may only be upgraded to premium processing after a receipt notice is issued. Unfortunately for many, it appears like the road to H1-B approval is going to continue to be laden with obstacles and in this case, an undetermined processing completion date. will continue posting information on this issue as it continues to develop.

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Beeraj Patel, Esq.

Partner at KPPB Law
Beeraj Patel's philosophy is simple - make it easy for talented and ambitious individuals to have access to immigration materials so that they can make the choice which is right for them.
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